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  1. Z

    МУН (Мастер клинка)

    I've been reading everything I can for hours and I can't find solid up to date information. I hope someone can help. I played the game at launch with a Blade Master and enjoyed the game play up to level 40+. I'm starting over solo and just want to experience the story. I know there are classes...
  2. Z

    Should I take Makina's route first as the game seems to want me to or what is the general consensus

    Hello everyone,, So I've reached Makina's route choice and I wonder if it is wise to take her route first. I don't really have any of the girls that I dislike, but I somehow aimed for that order in my mind: Amane -> Makina -> Michiru -> Sachi -> Sakaki ... Is Makina really the route the devs...